Unscented Transparent Aroma Beads
These bead are of the highest quality, unscented and transparent. We have tried and tested our beads with numerous fragrance batches and know they work! They are capable of holding up to 25% of fragrance oil weight/weight.
The beads are 4mm average in diameter.
The fragrance throw can last up to 3-6months (fragrance dependant)
Aroma Beads
VAT Included
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- Weigh out 100grams of aroma beads into a clean, clear glass jar.
- Next add your chosen fragrance oil. We find the drying stage is quicker when adding the fragrance oil in stages rather than adding 25 grams of fragrance oil in one go which can cause saturation. (if your weighing scales are not accurate enough 25 ml of fragrance will also work fine).
- Start off with adding 10 grams of fragrance oil and allow 24-48hours to dry. Then add another 10 grams and then the final 5 grams. When you first add the fragrance oil, the beads will stick together and to the surface of the jar however over time, they will slowly absorb the oil. All of our aroma beads have been tested using our high quality fragrance oils. Please note: Performance may be affected with cheaper, diluted or cut fragrance oils. 25% is the maximum we have found the beads can hold. If you are working with a larger quantities of beads, scale up (25 grams of fragrance to 100grams of beads). Please Note: 25 grams per 100grams is the maximum we have found the beads can hold. Any more than this and the beads will be unable to absorb it, therefore more aroma beads will have to be added.
- Shake well every few hours or so until the fragrance oil has been fully absorbed by the beads. This will be when the beads no longer stick together or to the side of the jar. On average this will take 1-2 days depending on the quality of your fragrance oil. We have tested our beads with a number of different types of fragrances oil and when adding the full 25%, the absorption time can vary dramatically from 24 hours up to 1 week!
- Once the beads are dry, add any colourants of choice. We recommend using mica powder however you can use candle dyes as well. Shake well to mix. Remember the darker the fragrance oil used, the harder they will be to colour.
- Pour your scented aroma beads into organza bags and they are good to go. You can use your aroma beads in wardrobes, bathrooms, on top of radiators, in cigarette ash trays, in your car... the possibilities are endless.